Thursday, March 21, 2019

Would You Vote For This Person?

Born into a privileged family which was built on stealing from the poor to give to the rich. While growing up this person was privileged by by the family buying their way into prestigious schools through deep pockets contributions and this person barely hung on through academics, just barely.

This person avoided the draft into the armed services by having false medical conditions getting medical deferments yet despite that issued criticisms of those who served heroically. Always avoiding any circumstances whereby jeopardy might have to be faced.

Living a privileged life led to a family inheritance of many millions which was used to start a business that was run like a mafia operation yet this person always found people ready to do his dastardly deeds leaving the one ordering it all unaccountable.

Finally this person ran for President of these United States but never won because this person spouted venom and hate while making profits from campaigning. The American people couldn't vote for someone like that. Could you?

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