Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Gloria Bell The Movie That Exams The Problems of Being Divorced and Looking For Romance

This flick stars Julianne Moore and John Turturro two of my favorite actors. Everything I've seen them in was good because they made even good scripts better by bringing truthfulness to their roles.
However right after I viewed this production I was sure I didn't like it at all. The movie dealt with divorced couples who were at different stages of their lives and the dialogue seemed very disjointed as though they were adlibbing. The scenes seemed a little out of joint also.

However after I came home I reflected on what I saw and came to realize that the critics that liked this picture were correct in their assessment that this was a well acted excellent production I just missed the point of the whole thing.

After spending years in what might have been a good marriage or even a tolerable one being divorced causes a great shock to the system. Suddenly one's family becomes disjointed and the divorced are alone so to speak. But the baggage they bring with them is a heavy load.  The children never really let go and no matter how old or young try to enforce their will on their parents. Daughters especially never want to let go and try to impose their will on their parents.

The two stars of course meet and hook up and have great sex and seem to full a void in each one's life. However in this case Turturro's character is the weakest and he succumbs to his daughter's will and despite his profession of love he just can't cut the chord. Moore's character is kind of flaky but seems willing to give up her family for his love but not really 100% as a scene with her family at her son's birthday party shows her excluding John's character while she and her family reminisce about when they were a family in love.

The movie speaks truth to power in many ways especially to the fact it is very difficult, perhaps impossible in some cases, to be truly happy after divorce. Maybe Frank Sinatra"s song, "Love Is Better The second Time around" isn't always, maybe almost never true.

The first time around love comes without baggage or a great deal less than the second time around which makes it a lot easier to handle life and love. If you get a chance see this flick. It'll get you thinking.

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