Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Trump Lost To Kim

Yes he did. There was a summit that North Korea's nukes brought the President of the USA to shake hands, give  him his trust, and grant concessions while Kim signed a paper that was like me signing a letter that had nothing to back it up.

Trump the Master Dealer lost his pants but won't know it until time has past and Kim just continuing to laugh at him as the softest touch what-so-ever.

The worst part of all this is perhaps everything that's happening is planned to satisfy Putin, covering whatever deal Trump and Putin may have while they cut up the worlds riches without anyone stopping them because their supporters who wield power want more power and to hell with the rest of the world.

Where is Trump's taxes? Why does Trump never have anything tough to say about Putin while Trump has no problem insulting our closest allies and disrupting Blocs that have stabilized the world for decades to Putin's dismay?

This deal is sucking in many who want peace at all cost. Sound a little like Neville Chamberlain in 1938 after meeting with Hitler just before WW II began finding the world at its weakest point because many wanted peace at all costs.

Donald Trump is the world's greatest huckster. He doesn't mind it at all this conning people, the world, so he can add to his wealth. He considers treachery the art of his deal. Hopefully, our leaders get some starch in their spines and save the world from this charlatan.

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