Monday, April 5, 2021

Vaccination Misinformation Other Like Things

 I have not met all of the 20% to 30%  of those of us in the USA who have refused to get vaccinated but those I have have used the following based on the Fox news and the like.

"The Vaccine Makes You Infertile!" Not true! 

"The Vaccine causes deadly allergic reaction!" Not true! It can cause trouble to some who had allergic reactions to vaccines so if you fall into this category check with your personal Physician.

"The Information provided is FAKE NEWS and is overblown. Covid is like the Flu!" Not true! The only fake news is the news that says the information is overblown.

"Proof that this isn't a serious outbreak is that I'm OK. I don't know anyone who got Covid, do you?  If you do wasn't the illness mild? They say over 500,00 people died if it in America, but I don't know of anyone that did, do you?" I personally know of 15 people ranging from 30 to 77 who experienced Covid, some have not fully recovered and 3 died of the disease and one had comorbidities, many of the others refused to wear masks and keep social distance and avoid crowds..I guess there were reasons those I knw experienced this disease!

"This country is getting like Nazi Germany requiring proof of vaccination if you want to travel by air!" First of all this is a health crisis and to keep your fellow travelers and others from getting sick and/or dying despite your misconceptions about the vaccine and or policies connected with it. Secondly Nazi Germany was a murderous Fascist Dictatorship and in no way is our great democracy like Nazi Germany which only shows how little one knows who makes statements like that!

"I found a coin that could be worth thousands. It is a Bitcoin!" This is so stupid it is laughable. Bitcoins are digital currency and only exists digitally, like shares in stock so to speak. No coins or paper money is struck. But this 30 year old is hoping his find makes him a rich man.

Some people just want to do whatever they want to do because they have no boundaries. Vaccinations are needed not only for one's own health but for one's neighbors health. Selfishly many don't love their neighbor as they love themselves or they would do anything they could to protect their neighbor as they would do to protect themselves from bad things.  

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