This Is All I Ask by Gorden Jenkins
As I approach the prime of my life
I find I have the time of my life
Learning to enjoy at my leisure
And so I happily concede
All the simple pleasures
Walk a little slower when you walk by me**
This is all I ask, this is all I need
Beautiful girls**
Children everywhere
Lingering sunsets
Stay a little longer with the lonely sea
Take me to that strange enchanted land
When you shoot at bad men, shoot at me
Grownups seldom understand
Make my wish come true before the night has flown
Wandering rainbows
Leave a bit of colour for my heart to own
As long as there's a song to sing
Stars in the sky
And let the music play
And I will stay younger than spring
This song written so long ago has resonance for all times. It has been recorded so many times
by the great
vocalist of all times, e.g. Frank Sinatra or Tony Bennett. Go to Utube plug the names in and
listen to the wonderfull
interpretations and enjoy. But while you are listening let the words sink in and take root because
the philosophy is
lovely and life inspiring, take it from one who knows.
I am way past the prime of my life but I feel younger than Spring because the flowers always bloom,
the girls are
always young be they 10, 50, or 100. And the children are always present bring back memories of
when we replayed
the Saturday serials that played with the movies every week.
Most of all the music is always playing so I can stay younger than Spring.
I hope the reader can do the same.