The fact of the matter is they by example are advising the citizenry NOT to wear masks. As far as it goes they even promote rally's indoors without social distancing or masks, see Tulsa etc. claiming some stupid reasoning that people have constitutional rights like public gatherings that cant be suppressed under any circumstances. Which is definitely not true for instance one can drive drunk until caught and then severely fined and maybe even face jail because the drunk driver may and eventually will hurt others even up to taking their lives just like people who congregate indoors in large numbers without face masks because all this leads to sickness and death to society as a whole. I hope you get my drift!
I won't get into the reasons why they do these things because they always spin the truth whenever they can. But everything I said is what they do which is against the scientific evidence as espoused by their own scientists making them irresponsible and very dangerous leaders as some of their followers will follow them off the edge of the cliff only to find that they won't jump off but don't stop their followers from jumping because that is their constitutional right.
Hopefully the followers of these two will finally come to their senses and start to put the scientific facts ahead of what seems like a cultist leadership.