Thursday, April 4, 2013

All The Way

The day was bright but the news wasn't. North Korea was making war time noises again. With their new young leader they were crazier than ever. He just didn't know how far a nut like that would go without causing much damage and disruption. Iran was just as crazy as ever.

The local cable news was full of disturbing news about the mistreatment of women. He could kid about the USA getting on the road to hell when they got the vote. This was done just to annoy the women in his life. The news was not kidding when it reported the sex trafficking world wide. In the USA alone there was thousands of women being held prisoners for sexual purposes. Places like India still had reported immolation of women who were not wanted by their husbands. Afghanistan was fighting just to get schooling for young girls with one reported beaten severely because she wanted to go to school. Keep women unschooled you keep them prisoners of husbands because they have no chance to earn a living at any but the most menial jobs. It is reported that in Thailand children are used for sex and human trafficking.

The poor of the war live off garbage dumps scavenging for whatever they can get so they can eat. Yet we have the ability in the civilized world to produce enough food to feed the world. Even when we give away food some despotic governments let the food rot on the piers rather than distribute it to their poor.

The world is well aware of these things as well as the genocide being conducted in certain parts of Africa, yet nothing is done by the civilized world to correct these atrocities. No matter how bright and warm the day was he couldn't shake off these disturbing reports and return to his little bubble where his problems seemed so insignificant compared to what was going on in the world. Yet he knew he had to live his life with gusto and verve because it did no one any good to become depressed over things that were beyond his control. He did what he could and then tried to get his life on course.

He felt he had been thrown a curve because he was pretty comfortable with his life as he had set it up. He was making enough money to live comfortably for him. He was enjoying good restaurants, plays, movies and concerts. He met some very interesting ladies. He felt OK. Then he met one gal that upset everything because he had the bad judgement of falling in love with her. This meant making commitments. This meant doing something about a situation he could control. It wasn't like the world problems that he could do little about. He would have preferred just a casual relationship but it turned into something more and with that there came commitments like fidelity, putting one's own desires in the background and concentrating on making her feel happy rather than just himself. He thought about breaking off their relationship but when he finally came face to face with that idea he realized that he'd be the most miserable person in his world without her. He knew there was only one thing he had to do and that was to take action.

He came to the conclusion that was what life was all about, taking action about what you care deeply about. Maybe he couldn't change this lousy way women are treated in this world but he could send some money to the causes trying to correct these problems. He could also change his attitude and speech with regards to the things in the world that really bothered him. He could also support those who were fighting for justice in this world. Not be afraid of what his friends might say even if he sounded like a radical or God forbid, a socialist because he would want the poor to be uplifted even if it meant redistribution of wealth. He would have to go all in, do what he could, all in all the way.

This thinking translated very much to what he was feeling about this lady whom he was having such deep feeling about. He would have to commit to love all the way. They had a dinner date that night and he decided to tell her of his feelings and if she reciprocated  then he would read her the lyrics of a song he heard in his youth that would describe his commitment perfectly. His only problem would come if she reached another stage and she only wanted to be friends. He decided not to think about that and headed for the shower to get ready for tonight's date. He always sounded good singing in the shower and he did so this time:

When somebody loves you
It's no good unless he loves you all the way
Happy to be near you
When you need someone to cheer you - all the

Taller than the tallest tree is
That's how it's got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue sea is
That's how deep it goes - if it's real

When somebody needs you
It's no good unless he needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in-between years - come what

Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you
[ From:]

All the way
All the way

Taller than the tallest tree is
That's how it's got to feel
Deeper than the deep blue sea is
That's how deep it goes - if it's real

And when somebody needs you
It's no good unless she needs you - all the way
Through the good or lean years
And for all the in-between years - come what

Who knows where the road will lead us
Only a fool would say
But if you'll let me love you
It's for sure I'm gonna love you
All the way
All the way

I'm gonna love you all the way
Songwriter(s):Mathew Sargeant, Charles Robert Simpson, Irving Berlin, James Bourne


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